We are a curious species by nature and thrive with informal learning that takes place … at home, in our communities, in parks and playgrounds, and in science centres. Envirothon NB activities are designed to promote stewardship of natural resources and to encourage the development of critical thinking, cooperative problem-solving, and decision-making skills required to achieve and maintain natural balance between the quality of life and the quality of the environment. We tend to learn better when we have the opportunity to “do” activities and are actively engaged in our learning.
Outdoor Odyssey – The Aquatic Chronicles
In this Eco-Lab – Macroinvertebrate Identification, the objective is to identify the sample species using a dichotomous key and determine what category of pollution sensitivity they fall into.
Watch – Virtual Presentation: Biotic World: Living Things – Plants, Animals, Bacteria, Fungi, etc. English
Outdoor Odyssey – The Aquatic Chronicles
In this Eco-Lab – Invasive Species in New Brunswick, the objective is to identify the invasive species and determine what what habitat they invade.
Watch – Virtual Presentation: Biotic World: Living Things – Plants, Animals, Bacteria, Fungi, etc. English

Outdoor Odyssey – The Forest Chronicles
In this Eco-Lab – Tree Identification , you will gain knowledge on the parts and tissues of a tree, twig, and leaf and be able to explain how a tree grows. Learn what dendrochronology is and how it can be used to understand past environmental conditions. Be able to identify common tree species without a key, and identify specific or unusual trees using a key.

Outdoor Odyssey – The Wildlife Chronicles
In this Eco-Lab – Population Estimation, you will learn about the Mark and Recapture Technique, the most popular way to measure the size of a population. This technique is commonly used by fish and wildlife managers to estimate population sizes before fishing or hunting seasons. Try the simulator game!
Watch – Virtual Presentation: Small Mammals of New Brunswick English / French
Outdoor Odyssey – The Wildlife Chronicles
In this Eco-Lab – Signs of Wildlife, you are asked to find signs of wildlife that might live around you, or in a landscape that you visit recreationally. This includes photographic evidence of tracks or other signs that point towards an animal’s presence (not domestic pets). Your observations should make note of your reasoning for the ID in the “notes” field of your observation.

Trash or Treasure?
Did you know that each individual in New Brunswick sends 659kg of wastes to the landfill annually? This is more than the weight of a dairy cow! Why don’t you try our activity: Trash or Treasure ?
Can you find ways to reuse or recycle your household items?
Download activity sheets.